Soundtrack + 1.2.1 Update!

The soundtrack of Bring Back The Sun is launched, featuring eight tracks! All of the music was made by myself and could be categorized as Ambient Music.

All of the tracks are available as 320 kb/s mp3s (high quality mp3s) or flac.

I also took some time off from my next game Sonucido: The Mage and worked on a little update for the game to improve it further! This mostly doesn't have impact on the gameplay but polishes the game further.

The file-size was reduced over 10%! This was mostly due to changing the .wav files to .ogg files. It will be a tad heavier on the CPU but for people with abysmal internet speeds this is good news.
This is one of my continuous efforts to make the game smaller and smaller. The 1.0 version was over 100 mb big (around 110), the 1.0.2 version reduced this to 63.8 mb - this fluctuated but overall grew a bit with numerous updates and got to 65.9 mb in the 1.1.0 update. When the 1.2.0 update hit I reduced the filesize to 59.3 mb and now with the 1.2.1 update the game is only 52.2 mb large (this is all in regards to the Linux version, the Windows version had similar changes but is overall a bit smaller).
The size of the game was reduced more than 50% while adding new languages, the winter level, new tiles, new music.

If you turn fullscreen on and go through one of the starting doors (normal or hardmode) the setting is now saved. This reduces annoyance :D

There was one bug relating to the F-Keys. When you pressed F1 or F2 and were in the settings the text wasn't updated. After my inbox was full of hundreds of complaints, I fixed it (nobody noticed except me).

I adjusted/changed/added/removed a couple of tiles/graphics in some levels but this doesn't affect gameplay only the look of the game.

I didn't thought about Azerty keyboard layouts when I released the game (they are used in France and Belgium commonly according to Wikipedia) and now it is possible to play with their "wasd" which is "zqsd".

Since the z key is the jump button on Azerty keyboards I moved the bunnyhop-switch from z to u. This is also nice for English keyboard users since most of the special keys are now in one row (rtui).

I also added support for the Azeri layout (used in Azerbaijan) since it was really easy - I just added ü as jump button.

In the initial release of the game, I had support for Dvorak layouts but forgotten to add one key - it is now completed. Also, I added support for Svorak keyboards (Dvorak keyboards for Swedish people) since it was also very easy - I just added ä as jump button.

Some code changes and a few improvements to the English wording were also made.

That's it for today!


Full Changelog

- Soundtrack is now available!

- Reduced filesize over 10%

- Fullscreen setting is now saved

- Fixed a bug relating to the F-Keys

- Small improvements to the English wording

- Small visual and code changes

- Made using an Azerty, Azeri and Svorak Keyboards better and completed the Dvorak Keyboard!


Windows Bring Back The Sun 1.2.1 24 MB
Apr 12, 2021
Linux Bring Back The Sun 1.2.1 Version.tar.gz 26 MB
Apr 12, 2021

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