Winter Update! 1.1.0 Version

Hey everyone,

The 1.1.0 Update is ready!

Christmas is approaching and since my head is sometimes overloaded from the increasing complexity of my next game, I decided to do a bit of work on Bring Back The Sun!

I made a completely new level which differs a lot from the rest of the game, not only in terms of visuals (I designed a small new tileset) but also from the mechanic: It's an autorunner! If you know games like Canabalt, it's a bit like that but very simple.
Since it differs a lot from the main game, I decided to make it only available on the 23th, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of December every year but if you want to play it in the rest of the year, just change the date on your system time and it should work!

Also, I added a new music track for the Gatekeeper level!
In the testing phase this was intended to be the level before the last one and so I arranged the tiles a lot more different than in other levels to give it a special look - now, with the new music it should be even more special :D

Have a nice Christmas!

Full Changelog:

- Added the winter autorunner level
- Added new music for the Gatekeeper level
- Changed one instance were the text was too big in the German and Dutch translation
- Some graphical adjustments and code changes


Windows Bring Back The Sun 1.1.0 31 MB
Dec 21, 2020
Linux Bring Back The Sun 1.1.0 Version.tar.gz 34 MB
Dec 21, 2020

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